Thursday, February 07, 2008

Finally, A New One

Well, I've been incredibly bad at putting new work up. It's been months. Instead of trying to go back through 4 months worth of work, I've chosen to put just a few new ones up. The first set is a set of people whose faces have just really been stuck in my mind over the past few months. The second set is from a bad storm that tore through our area last month, causing tons of damage.

Hope you enjoy. Cheers.

Wheatland's Malcolm Webb is the 2007 All-Area Defensive Player of the Year.

Ashley Guizar sits in the pews of St. Joseph Catholic Church in Marysville following Ash Wednesday services.

Eileen Davies, a parishoner at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, stands in front of the new oil-on-canvas painting depicting the Crucifixion that is to be unveiled as part of an ongoing restoration of the church.

Valerie Eredia walks in the rain during the March Against Violence and Crime, which was held in honor of her cousin, Alexander Smith, a 17-year-old kid who was stabbed to death Jan. 19 during a party in Yuba City.

2-year-old Sawyer Peters laughs as he checks out all of the costumes during the Purrrrfect Halloween event in downtown Marysville.

Stormy Weather

In early January, a storm tore through our area, cutting power to more than 20,000 people and leaving one person dead. Here's a few aftermath shots.

Terry Brown removes a branch in front of a house severely damaged by a fallen tree the morning after the storm.

Ron Dufore of Yuba County Public Works sloshes through a flooded gutter in Linda as he works to help restore drainage to the area.

An exit sign has been severed in half by a fallen tree outside of the Yuba City Senior Center. Read into it what you will.

Irony in the streets. A "wet floor" cone rests on its side the morning after a violent storm tore through the Yuba-Sutter area.

Dave Killingsworth, right, carries a log while Chuck Lemmenes, left, continues to chop a fallen branch with a chainsaw at Miner Park. The two men helped to cut up many fallen branches, taking much of the scraps as firewood for themselves.