Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Hi All,

I've moved up to Marysville, CA (about 30 min. north of Sacramento) and have started working at the Appeal-Democrat as a staff photographer. Here are a few shots from the first week of shooting. I should be regularly posting again now that I'm shooting much more often.


Genevieve Lemenu, left, and Chris Mitri perform an aerial silk routine at Circus Gatti

Gage Jones, 4, waits as a train rolls by in downtown Gridley

Isaac Rogers, 4, stares at the toy truck that he has just successfully lassoed during a parade in downtown Gridley Saturday in celebration of Red Suspenders Day

Cast members prepare to rehearse for the upcoming production of "Land of Promise" at Church of Glad Tidings.

Members of the Wheatland High girls softball team celebrate after beating Sutter High in the Northern Section Division IV championship, 2-1.