Monday, February 26, 2007

One Love

I've just started a new photo story. Ginger Gentry is a 20-year-old single mother. Her baby, Janaeah Bellamy was born prematurely, with some signs of physical and mental retardation. Despite all of the hardships, Gentry refuses to give up on raising her own child.

Below are some photos from my very first shoot. Like I said, I just started on the project, so there isn't much. But this is going to be a long-term story for me. Enjoy.


Ginger Gentry nestles her 3-month-old daughter, Janaeah Carlene Bellamy. Bellamy was born prematurely and with some mental and physical retardation. Now the Medically Vulnerable Infant Program, sponsored by First 5, is helping Gentry, a single mother, care for the baby.

Ginger Gentry's hands dwarf those of her 3-month-old daughter, Janaeah Carlene Bellamy.

Softly snoring while lying on a scale, 3-month-old Janaeah Carlene Bellamy weighs just under eight pounds . Bellamy was born prematurely and with some mental and physical retardation.

Ginger Gentry holds her 3-month-old daughter, Janaeah Carlene Bellamy as she talks to case worker Shelli Smith. Smith and the Medically Vulnerable Infant Program, sponsored by First 5, are helping Gentry, a single mother, care for the baby.

Smith measures Bellamy's head to chart her growth.