Monday, January 08, 2007

"On The Road"

I recently travelled with a sports reporter and the Cal State University of Bakersfield men's basketball team to Logan, Utah. We were attempting to document what it was like going on the road for a Division I team.

One thing that I found frustrating was the lack of interaction between the players. Most of the time spent away from the court was enlisted for sleeping. I think that many of these photos reflect the lack of interaction, with the team dinner being the only time for most players to kick back with each other. Otherwise, the rest of the time was spent on the court preparing for the big game against Utah State.

This story ran as a package of 9 photos in the paper. However, because I can do whatever I want on my own site, I'm going to run much more than that. Normally as photographers we are taught to edit our work tightly, especially for publication. So, every once in a while it's fun to display a whole catalogue of work. For the most part I've left out captions. I hope you enjoy.



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